Client List

National Survey Research Group (previously TOR) serves a wide variety of clients with varying interests. Below is a sampling of both past and current clients:
National Political Clients:

Alliance for America’s Future
McCain for President (2008)
Government Integrity Fund
National Republican Congressional Committee
Republican Governor's Association
Republican National Committee


Associated Republicans of Texas
Burpo for Governor (NM)
Cheney for Insurance (MS)
Grams for Senate (MN)
Forgy for Supreme Court (KY)
Harris for Senate (FL)
Illinois House Republican Organization
Illinois State Senate Campaign Committee
Illinois Justice Project
Indiana House Republican Committee
Joint Republican Legislative Caucus (VA)
Musselwhite for State Senate (GA)
LePage for Governor (ME)
Maine Gaming
Maine Republican Senate Caucus
Maine Republican Party
Masler for State Supreme Court
Mississippi Republican Party
Mills for Governor (ME)
McCrory for Gov (NC) 
New York Republican State Committee
North Carolina Republican Senate Committee
North Carolina Republican Party
Norton for US Senate (CO)
Radtke for Senate (VA)
Republican Party of New Mexico
State Republican Majority (NJ)
Taxpayer Bill of Rights (CO)
Tobacco to 21 Campaign (OH)
Topinka for Governor (IL)
Virginia Victory Fund


Bachmann for Congress (MN)
Bachus for Congress (AL)
Campbell for Congress (SC)
Dennis for Congress (CA)
Flynn for Congress (PA)
Fosella for Congress (NY)
Foxx for Congress (NC)
Frelinghuysen for Congress (NJ)
Gambrell for Congress (OH)
Hudson for Congress (NC)
Jones for Congress (NC)
Kelly for Congress (AZ)
Landry for Congress (LA)
Massey for Congress (TN)
McKuen for Congress (OH)
McHenry for Congress (NC)
Pantano for Congress (NC)
Palumbo for Congress (NC)
Reetz for Congress (KY)
Riley for Congress (RI)
Schmidt for Congress (OH)
Taylor for Congress (VA)
Warner for Congress (WV)


Anaheim Tax Fighters (CA)
Beary for Sheriff (FL)
Bridgeport Mayoral (CT)
Denis for Council (MD)
Gurley for Commissioner (NC)
Harrison for Sheriff (NC)
Talbot County Republican Party (MD)

Public Policy:

Gaming referendums
Municipal Owned Utilities
Mining project impact on community
School Districts Development projects
College studies
Energy studies
Hispanic attitudes
State Legislative:

Avila for State Representative (NC)
Ballard for Representative (TX)
Berger for State Senate (NC)
Blanton for State Senate (SC)
Boylan for Representative (NC)
Brown for Representative (NC)
Burgess for Representative (GA)
DePass for State Senate (SC)
Dollar for Representative (NC)
Goolsby for State Senate (NC)
Hale for State Senate (MD)
Hunt for State Senate (NC)
Jacobs for State Senate (NY)
Johnson for State Senate (KY)
Kerr for State Senate (KY)
Latvala for State Senate (FL)
Lee for Representative (KY)
Musselwhite for State Senate (GA)
Onondaga District Attorney (NY)
Onondaga County Executive McMahon (NY)
Pruitt for Representative (GA)
Rabon for State Senate (NC)
Republican Assembly Campaign Committee (NY)
Rucho for State Senate (NC)
Reese for Representative (GA)
Rust for Delegate (VA)
Hinson for Representative (SC)
Starlin for Representative (GA)
Still for State Senate (DE)
Strickland for Representative (GA)

Commercial & Public Issues (Sampling):

American Airlines
Anesthesiologists (12 state societies)
Associated Industries of Florida
California Optometrists Association
Civitas Foundation (NC)
Commonweath Foundation (PA)
Delmarva Education Center (DE)
Delaware North Companies
English First
Florida Chamber of Commerce
Florida Citrus
Florida Department of Agriculture
Florida Firefighters Association
Florida Medical PAC
Florida NFIB
Florida Retail Federation
Galion Educ. Study (OH)
Galveston School District
Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce (NC)
Hill and Knowlton
John Locke Foundation (NC)
Lincoln Foundation (PA)
Masada Oxynol Corp.
Morgan Truck Bodies Co.
NAHB ( National Association of Homebuilders)
NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business)
North Carolina Automobile Dealers Assn.
Oneida Indians (WI)

Industrial & Commercial:

Auto dealers
Business to business
Pizza chains
Consumer food projects
(Bread, Cheese, Chocolates)
Health care projects
Amusement parks
Restaurants & bars Technical studies (anti-static)
Telephone carriers
Oil and Gas
Ink Jet supplies
Real Estate
Home Health Care

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